Hi… This a story how I convinced my parents to let me get a bunny! One day I was just watching Tiktok’s and I came across a video that was someone texting their mom saying “how many likes to get a dog?” so I was thinking and I thought of an idea, I was going to text my mom asking for a bunny, so I sat up from my bed and texted her, I said “how many likes on tiktok to get a bunny.” it took her a few moments to answer, but when she did, she said “you’ll have to ask Simon (my step-dad) so I ran down the stairs and went to his office and asked him “how many likes on tiktok to get a bunny?” he responded with “I don’t care how many likes you get” I screamed than he said “I’m not done yet, I have a few questions “so than he wrote down the questions and I filled them out, one of the questions was who’s going to take care of the rabbit when you’re gone to your dads house?(my parents are divorced) and my answer was “Sam and mom said they would do it”. After I filled out a form my mom said that I must get a cage and food before I can get the bunny. I screamed; I was still so shocked. Now all I had to do was get a cage and bunny food. So, then I started searching everywhere for a cage, but they were all expensive, then my mom remembered that her friend Jodie had a bunny that recently died, so we asked her if we could buy her cage and she said that we can have it for free. I was so existed when I found that out and then I found a local feed & seed shop in town but it was closed because it was a Sunday but we still went to pick up the cage at Jodie’s house. She lived in the city somewhere near Ottawa. The cage was in her garage, my mom and Jodie talked for about 10 minutes and then we left with the cage and when I got home it was 8:15 so I set up the cage with bedding (we already had it) then I went to bed and when I woke up my dad and I went to the feed & seed store and when we showed up they had the bunny food ready so we just paid and left with the bag of bunny food , after that we stopped at the pet store and got a harness and leash than my dad dropped me off at my moms , and when I got home my sister in-law and looked for a bunny on Kijiji, about 30 minutes later we found one that I really liked and it was the price I wanted so we messaged the person and asked when we could pick it up , it was orange/brown/white and her pattern was spots. The person finally answered and said we can pick her up tomorrow , after the guy said that I was so existed, after that my sister in-law and I went on google and found 2 names that I liked they are stormy and Penelope, but the bunny I was getting was lighter colored so I choose Penelope, by this time it was around 7:00 so I just played on my phone in till I went to bed and as soon as I woke up my mom and I drove 2 hours to get Penelope , when we got there we knocked on the door and the person answered the door and then after we talked for a bit then we went to the garage and frank (the person who had the bunny) showed us all the bunny’s he had and after a few moments I still wanted the original one that I wanted , then we carried her to the car and put her in a box and paid , and then we drove home and when I got home I showed everyone her and everyone loved her, even Luke (my dog) then I put her in her cage and now one year later she’s a year old. THE END 

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